Although student life is more fun with great excitement. But in this world, parents are aware of their children’s results. And they expect high performance in exams. As a result, children feel more pressure before examinations and assignments. So, exam stress may harm their mental and physical health at this young age.

However, as a student, you also expect excellent marks in exams and dream about a good job and balanced life. Because of higher expectations, you feel extreme stress before starting examinations. But you don’t know how to tackle or manage exam stress and be more productive. 

Don’t Worry!! This article contains some super tips and tricks to tackle exam stress.

1. Manage your Time properly

Managing time can reduce your stress and anxiety level. And you will be able to cover every topic at the right time which is included in examinations. But How?

Suppose you make a table for each exam date. And do a list of how many topics you have to complete each day. By making these things, you will get a vivid idea about how much time you need to complete every topic of the exam. And when you should start revising.

By maintaining this small strategy, you will observe your actual progress and become more productive before the examination. So, time management is a crucial factor in dwindling exam stress.

2. Exercise and Eat Healthy Food

Before examinations, staying up all night, poor exercise and eating can increase stress levels higher.

So, if you do the aerobatic exercise properly during examinations, it will fulfil endorphins in the brain, which are basically happy hormones. And also exercise will increase blood flow.

According to the National Library of Medicine, a person who continues aerobatic exercise diminishes anxiety, depression and stress levels.

Some Aerobatic exercises such as

  • Swimming
  • Brisk Walking
  • Cycling
  • Running
  • Jump Rope
  • Hiking
  • Dance

On the other hand, having healthy foods during examination time is really important which aids to increase mental and physical happiness. 

Some Foods with different Vitamins:

Foods with Vitamin B

  • Beef
  • Chicken
  • Meat

Foods with Omega-3 Fatty Acids

  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Avocados
  • Walnuts

Foods with High Protein

  • Eggs
  • Peanuts
  • Shrimp
  • Almonds

Foods with Vitamin C

  • Orange
  • Papaya
  • Tomato
  • Guava

So, if you consume those foods, it may help to reduce stress levels during examinations.

3. Take Enough Breaks

Before exams, you do not study for 6-8 hours with no break as it will break your concentration and your learning process will be slow. Instead of studying for long hours, you can take a break for refreshment, eat snacks and do some workouts such as walking in the room after studying for 1 hour. It will help to regain your focus on studying.

Besides that, you can follow Pomodoro Technique before exams. This technique can help to divide your time in each session by 35 minutes throughout the whole day. In these 35-minute sessions, 30 minutes are allocated for study and 5 minutes are allocated for breaks. By using this technique, you can take breaks properly while studying.

4. Do practice more and more

Practising before exams helps to reduce stress levels. Usually, students are concerned about what questions are likely to be asked and how to give the best answer regarding exam questions. So, when you give any exams, you should practice past exam questions. As a result, you will get a perfect overview and idea of exam questions.

Or, if you do not have past exams, you can follow the class lectures and assignments which are prepared by teachers throughout the whole year. Also, you can take mock tests as much as possible to tackle hard topics. Then, you can give your best effort in exams with less stress. 

5. Ask For Help

When you understand nothing, like academics or personal, you must talk with your teachers, friends, or parents and share how you go through before exams. Don’t hesitate. As they are the most important persons in your life. 

Also, friends play precious roles as they are the most attentive listeners and understand your exam stress. So, find a best friend who can aid academics and help to deal with exam pressure. 

So, now you know how to deal with exam pressure when you have exams. Just follow those tricks and lessen your exam stress.

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Md. Sazid Alam


Content Writing Department,