Obsessive compulsive disorder is a psychiatric disorder. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, OCD is a long-lasting disorder in which a person experiences uncontrollable and recurring thoughts (obsessions), engages in repetitive behaviours (compulsions), or both. There are two parts in this disorder- obsession & compulsion. 


So, what is obsession? Obsessions are Some kind of unwanted thoughts or images which come over again and again in your head. These obsessions can cause a lot of stress & anxiety. And to get rid of this stress & anxiety you may take some actions. These actions are called compulsion. And these obsessions & compulsions can cause great suffering for someone’s daily life. 


For example, an individual may have a thought that he has germs on his hand & he can’t get over it. This is an obsession. And when he is taking some actions like washing his hands over & over again, that is compulsion. Checking is another compulsion in which an individual may have an obsession that something is unsafe. So he will check to make sure that something’s definitely locked by unlocking & re-locking, sometimes several times. Or, he may feel the need for order, neatness or symmetry. That is an obsession and it may lead him to organise his shoes on the rack in a perfect way which is a compulsion. 


The causes of OCD is actually unknown but there are some factors Which may lead a person to OCD. Some genetic factor or OCD of his family member can affect him too. History of abuse or illness, low level of serotonin, problems at work or family can also trigger OCD. Besides, sudden changes in a person’s life like getting married or moving to another city or country can also lead him to Obsessive compulsive disorder. 


OCD affects around 3% of the population, and affects both men & women equally and it usually starts in childhood or in teenage years but any age, gender or race can experience OCD. But no need to be worried. With the right treatment, patients often return to normal life and activities. 


Admitting imperfection as a part of a person’s daily life can be helpful to reduce anxiety & in overcoming OCD. If an individual thinks, everything must be perfect or everything must be in the way he wants, it will put him into an unrealistic expectation & unbearable pressure. By developing the belief that imperfection is very normal & natural, he can begin to break free from OCD grip.


Mindfulness is another important technique in overcoming OCD. Mindfulness reduces a person’s anxiety and improves his self awareness. It also helps him to be in his present moment. Breathing exercises, meditation can help him to overcome his obsession & compulsion. 


Some medications like serotonin uptake inhibitors can be very useful for OCD patients.  But this medication has some side effects which need to be treated by psychotherapy & further medication.


Psychotherapy is very effective in the case of OCD specially Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). In CBT, there is a therapy called Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy where individuals with OCD are exposed to anxiety, situations or triggers that provoke their obsessions; ultimately showing that the anxiety actually lessens when the compulsion is not carried out. Individuals face fears in a controlled environment without  engaging any compulsions. This process helps them to deal with uncertainty and discomfort &  building confidence in their ability to cope with imperfection.


Though imperfection, uncertainty cause anxiety for an OCD patient, embracing imperfection and living with uncertainty is required to overcoming OCD. By embracing imperfection, individuals with OCD can cultivate resilience, compassion & peace of mind which will lead them to a life which is more fulfilling & meaningful.


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Writer :

Atiya Alam Nisa 

Intern, Content Writing Department, 




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