” Language shapes the way we think and determines what we can think about. – Benjamin Lee Whorf “

In the world, there are more than 7000 languages that are spoken, each with its history and sounds. Depending on the statistical indicator you choose to focus on, such as the number of native speakers or the number of individuals who speak that language as a second language, some languages are more widely spoken than others.


After Mandarin, Spanish is the language that is spoken by the second-largest population worldwide. More than 559 million people worldwide speak it. Spanish is the language with the second-largest native-speaker population in the world, with 460 million of those individuals being native speakers.


Spanish-speaking countries include Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, The United States, Guatemala, Equatorial Guinea, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Venezuela.


Reasons to learn convince you to learn Spanish 

✪ Increasing Popularity:

Spanish is not only one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, but its popularity is also rising. Spanish speakers have been growing over the past ten years and are still expanding. Spanish is widely spoken in South, Central, and North America, and it is also possible to travel to Europe to speak Spanish there in Spain and other European nations.

✪ Easy to learn:

Spanish is generally regarded as the most simple language to learn. There are only a few difficult sounds that individuals have difficulties with, including rolling Rs. Writing in Spanish is thought to be fairly simple, as is Spanish grammar. Although the number of hours it takes to learn a language varies, most people who speak Spanish as a second language concur that learning Spanish requires the fewest hours.

“Apps For Learning Spanish On The Go”


✪ Duolingo:

Learning While Having Fun

Learning Spanish is simple and enjoyable with Duolingo. If you have some prior knowledge of learning Spanish, you can take a placement test to determine where to begin, or you can just start from scratch.

✪ Helping professional growth: 

This is likely the most compelling argument in favor of learning Spanish, especially if you reside in the US. Many companies are now stating that they would prefer an applicant who speaks Spanish quite well. It becomes much more crucial if you reside in a state like California or Florida where a sizable portion of the population speaks Spanish. If your line of work entails interacting with people from different backgrounds, such as in social services, healthcare, education, or the legal profession, it is essential.


✪ Live in a variety of places:

If you know Spanish, you have a lot of options for where to reside. Imagine spending a year in Belize, then relocating to Spain for a year, and finally making your way to Costa Rica to retire in a charming bungalow. From there, you can take a vacation and visit several locations all over the world while being comfortable speaking the local tongue.

✪ Increased employment opportunities:

There is a significant amount of international trade between countries that speak Spanish and every other country in the world because so many countries do. You have a great chance of landing a job with a company that works with a foreign Spanish-speaking corporation if you speak Spanish in addition to your native tongue. You would most likely be involved in business activities in some form in addition to translating. Employers are prepared to pay highly for bilingual workers.


Spanish is a magnificent language that is used extensively worldwide. For someone looking to use the language for job advancement prospects, it’s simple to learn and may open up a lot of doors. Spanish is the ideal choice if you’re trying to learn a new language.

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Jannatul Kawser Riktha 

Intern,  Content Writing Department