Without people and society, none of us would be here on Earth. To survive, we need to communicate and share information. What if someone out there thinks that the moon isn’t real and spreads the news to society? There is nothing that can be more bizarre than this.


Do you believe in conspiracies? If so, then you’re not alone. A recent study shows 63% of Americans believe in at least one conspiracy theory. And if you’re like most people, then you probably believe in at least one crazy conspiracy theory. Conspiracy theory explains some events or situations that include conspiracy by influential people, government, and society. It turns any event into a deep conspiracy without any solid proof. 


To tell the truth, People tend to consume conspiracy theories since most are based on assumptions. Conspiracy theory includes contradictory decisions as it could be either true or false, which makes it more interesting. Users are increasingly drawn to emotions and conspiratorial content with the help of social media. It’s probably never been easier for false conspiracy theories to spread than nowadays. However, Let’s take a look at some stupid conspiracy theories and see why they’re totally absurd.


Moon isn’t real

I just didn’t describe anything in the intro to think that some people still subscribe to this quaint. They do believe the moon isn’t real and the theory describes the moon as nothing, just a giant hologram. This is barely a story and is crazy to talk about. Most explanations end with shouting and ranting, as explainers have no logical explanations.


The Earth is flat

It has already been proven that the Earth was flat in the 5th century and the “Flat Earth Theory” also emerged in the 19th century. Some people think that the entire planet is flat and revolves around the sun. In fact, some people claim that NASA and other scientific institutions are hiding the truth about the shape of the Earth from the public to perpetuate this myth. This theory is so ridiculous that it has gotten people ostracized and even killed in the past. A Flat Earth Conference in 2017 featured many notable speakers, including Mark Sargent. The craze has gone so far that a Netflix documentary, “Netflix Behind the Curve,” about flat earthers has been published. Can you imagine what life would be like if the Earth was actually flat?


Covid 19

A global pandemic that shakes the world, with no exception, is conspired. A conspiracy theory circulating online that calls itself “Covid-19.” The theory posits that vaccination is about the implementation of brain chips by Bill Gates to steal our personal information. The theory claims that they’re using a variation of the MKUltra project to control the minds and bodies of millions worldwide. 

All people who believe this theory is just gullible. These theories have been debunked repeatedly, yet they persist. Not surprisingly, these theories were widely shared on social media and many people believed them true. To add more fuel, President Donald Trump said, “The virus is no more deadly and will disappear like a miracle.” He also discouraged people from taking vaccines relaying on the theory.


Social Media Conspiracy

Recently, a rumor spread that Facebook and Instagram will take the entity of all our photos surfing on social media. To avoid this, we need to share a post containing the statement, “I refuse to permit the companies to use my photos.” It’s just a rumor that popped up nearly seven years ago. Sharing this post will bring you nothing in return. But there is a twist.

Have you ever read the policy and privacy before signing up on Facebook? There is a policy that pops up on our screen stating that Facebook can use our photos for any particular purpose. So before scolding Facebook, fast-check information before sharing it.


The Moon Landing was Fake

The conspiracy theory that the moon landing was fake is a widely debunked claim. There is a significant amount of evidence that supports that the Apollo 11 mission did, in fact, land on the moon. Additionally, the idea that NASA and the U.S. government could have pulled off a hoax of this magnitude involving thousands of people and kept it secret for decades is highly implausible. Many experts and scientists have also debunked the specific claims made by conspiracy theorists, such as the supposed lack of stars in the background of photographs from the moon and the alleged inconsistencies in the shadows in the footage., It is important to critically evaluate claims and information and rely on credible sources. In this case, the overwhelming evidence and expert consensus support the fact that the Apollo 11 mission was a historic event.



Md Abu Jayed 


Content Writing Department