With the advancement in scientific research, people are getting more conscious regarding their health and fitness. Sweetness is an essential part of our life that can neither be overdone nor cut down forever.
We all know white sugar as white poison. Fitness freak individuals or diabetic patients are faced with various problems while looking for sugar alternatives!
Here, let’s explore some other options that could better replace sugar and attend to our sweetness cravings.
Sugar is the refined version of sugarcane juice that undergoes various industrial treatments. Sugar and its harmful effects are no strangers to us. 100gm of sugar contains 387 kcal. Intake of sugar may result in insulin resistance, obesity, and other heart diseases.
Honey is a natural sweetener that is collected by bees from the nectar of flowers. Honey has been used since time immemorial in making different desserts. Honey contains Vitamin B, C, and other medicinal ingredients. 99 is widely known for its antioxidant and antibacterial properties. 100 gm honey contains 304 kcal. Honey mixed with warm water and lemon after waking up from sleep gives an immunity boost and helps to reduce weight. It also nourishes our skin and helps in healing wounds quickly.
Jaggery is a solid unrefined sugarcane juice that can be processed only by heating. Jaggery has been used since ancient times because of its metabolic, stress-relieving, and detoxifying properties. It contains magnesium, calcium, and potassium. The crystals in jaggery help in better digestion and solving constipation issues. 100 gm of jaggery contains 383 kcal. Very few know that jaggery helps in delaying aging wrinkles, purifies the blood, and treats menstrual issues. It also helps in balancing electrolytes in the body and provides instant energy. Jaggery can also help in treating colds and coughs, urinary, and constipation problems.
Final thought
As commoners, if we are to pick among the mentioned options, we are to check whether it is nutritional and budget-friendly at the same time. After eliminating sugar, pure honey could be beyond affordable for some of us and jaggery could be a better option worth considering.
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Razna Rahman
Content Writing Department,