A CV is a mirror that reflects our skills. And through this mirror authorities offer us jobs based on our image. Suppose you have a responsibility to find the right candidate for an organization. What kind of candidate you will want for a particular post? What kind of CV will you expect? Take the initiative to create a CV just like that. We admit it or not, we don’t look at CV’s as much as we look for applying for jobs and just end up disappointed. If this attention has been given to the CV, then the job will appear in your yard. Therefore, without running after the job, we should give an effort on how to make ourselves efficient, how to be experienced, and how to make the CV attractive. No matter what type of job we are looking for, we will not be frustrated at least. Let’s see how we can make a CV attractive.
- Extracurricular Activities
Whether you are a college student or a university student, you can start your journey to make your CV attractive now. Attend any extracurricular or co-curricular activities at your institution. Take a position in the debate, volunteerism, or ambassador. Which will make your CV unique.
- Second Language
Nowadays every organization looks for English proficiency in candidates. Starting from sales to admin, social media to offline work, everywhere English has a priority. English will keep you ahead of everyone. So let’s get started to improve your English skills and show your efficiency in your CV.
- Internship
Many companies offer online or offline internship opportunities. Sometimes it is paid and sometimes non paid . But this internship will introduce you to work. Which will not only remove your fear about field work but also make you experienced for your dream job. So look for an online or offline internship related to your preferred job and do it according to your opportunity. Which will put your CV ahead in terms of experience.
- Mentor
Many of us struggle to understand what to do, how to start. But if we can choose a mentor who is far ahead of my goal, he is now successful and I want to be like him. Find out from him how he achieved the position and what are the things to focus on for your CV.
- Technology
Technology has the ability to take everyone one step forward, even though technology has established itself in the place of many people, but people can also represent themselves with the ace of technology, so make technology yours. Build your skills in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.
- Keep Connecting
To get an idea about the job of your choice, find out from the person working in the company,get connected with him,ask him to let you know if there is any vacancy, what skills or topics are required in your CV.
- Do Visit
Find opportunities to visit different companies related to your department. Not all companies open these opportunities to the general public. However, try to go there from your educational institution with teachers and classmates or through an acquaintance or applying to the company. This will make your CV noticeable.
- Standard templates
Try to create standard PDF rather than simple PDF CV. There are many CV templates are available in online . By downloading and customizing it easily you can make your CV. If you can’t do it yourself there are many companies or individuals who make CVs exchange for money. You can look forward to that easy path also to make CV.
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Sadia Akter
Content Writing Department, YSSE.