What will happen if we find many earths like ours? What will happen if we meet people who are copycats of ourselves? Is that really possible?  At first, let’s know about basic knowledge of the Multiverse.

The Multiverse:

Multiverse is a concept where we can  find many universes like our beyond realities. It is an idea where many realities are possible in space and time. The multiverse concept is also known as “Parallel Universe”. According to some scientists, the different universes have their own laws of Physics. 

So how are these universes created?

Some theories suggest that every quantum event can create different types of universe with different outcomes. Bubble Universes theory suggests that there must be many bubbles in the form of different universes with different realities. But these are just theories. There is no evidential proof of the Multiverse though many scientists believe that Multiverse is possible.

Fantasy about The Multiverse:

We saw different types of stories about the Multiverse in sci-fi movies and  books. In sci-fi movies we saw it is possible to find a copycat version of ourselves in another universe. It is even possible to find a person who is alive in that universe but dead in this universe. In sci-fi books and movies we saw that our copycat version may have different types of characteristics. They are different from us in behaviour and personality. And we are able to meet them also. But it is only possible in fiction. There is no actual theory and proof about this kind of issue. 

Theories and Facts about The Multiverse:

Though there is no actual proof of the Multiverse, scientists believe in its existence. Some scientists believe in some theories to find existence of The Multiverse like:

String Theory: According to String Theory, our universe is made up with strings. These strings can vibrate and can make various types of particles. String theory told us there must be extra dimensions. These dimensions are very tiny and invincible to human beings. String theory combines the 4 fundamental forces of nature. String theory introduces the basic concept of existence of the Multiverse. It says, the strings can vibrate and it leads to different universes with different laws of Physics. 

Quantum Physics: Quantum means small. Quantum physics is the physics of small particles.This theory suggests that the quantum event can lead to creation of different universes. This introduces the ‘Many-Worlds Interpretations concept’. According to this concept the universe split in 2 ways. And we make different choices in different universes. 

For Example, In Universe A, Mr X. going to office now. But In Universe B, Mr X. is going to market not in office. 

According to quantum theory, every random choice can also create other realities.

Inflationary Multiverse Theory: After the Big Bang, the universe began to expand rapidly. This rapid expansion is known as ‘Cosmic Inflation’. The concept Cosmic Inflation suggests that when the universe began to expand it created a vast flat cosmos. In the vast cosmos, inflation created new bubble universes. The inflation may end in some areas but it may be still going on in other realities. This theory is highly acceptable because the universe is flat. And also there is cosmic microwave radiation. 

But these theories do not give the actual answer of the existence of the Multiverse or Parallel Universe. Because these theories are not experimentally proved. However, scientists are hopeful to find the answers soon by their analysis and experiment. True or Fantasy it can be said that The Multiverse is an interesting topic to explore.


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Prottoy Kanti Das

Intern, Content Writing Department