Aloe is a cactus-like plant which grows in dry climates. Aloe vera is a gel collected from aloe plants. There are more than 420 specieses of aloe plants. Among all of these specieses Aloe Barbadensis is the best known of aloe vera, widely used in beauty and health care. 


In this writing I will explain some amazing uses of aloe vera. 


  1. It has antioxidants.

Aloe vera is a natural source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are essential for our health. Polyphenols is a kind of antioxidant that stays in aloe vera. It  prevents growing bacteria which cause infection in the human body.


  1. Lowers blood sugar

Diabetes is a type of body condition that occurs when your blood glucose is too high. To keep it balanced people sometimes take aloe vera gel as it enhances insulin sensitivity. A study reveals that two spoons of aloe vera juice everyday for at least two weeks might lower your blood sugar level if you have type 2 diabetes.


  1. Accelerates wound healing

Rubbing aloe vera on our skin can work better than eating in the case of healing wounds. A study has shown that aloe vera could reduce the healing time by around 9 days compared with conventional prevents redness, itching and infections in our body.


  1. May improve skin and prevent wrinkles

Aloe vera gel is also used to prevent wrinkles on our face and it also improves our skin. A 2009 study has been published in the journal Annals of Dermatology. In this study scientists did their experiments on 30 women who are over 45 years old. They used aloe vera gel as a supplement. Where half participants received a low dose and the other half received a high dose. In the end, this study reveals that elasticity, wrinkles and collagen production improved in the both participants.  


  1. Fights Acne

Aloe vera contains salicylic acid which is rich in antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects: eliminating acne-causing bacteria and calming stressed-out skin to reduce redness and irritation on our skin. 


  1. Its Hydrating


Aloe vera also contains electrolytes for example potassium and magnesium. These electrolytes help us in hydration. What is very necessary after exercise. If you want to get the best benefit from aloe vera, especially in skincare,use the gel over your skin after taking a shower.  


  1. Works as a moisturizer


We all know that aloe vera is a complete moisturizer for our skin. If you use aloe vera on a daily basis, your skin will glow more than ever. Because the gel inside aloe vera is rich in nutrients which softens our skin. Also the amino acid does the same job and Zinc tightens pores.  


  1. Boost metabolism


Aloe vera increases the number of calories you burn during your exercise. Which ends in weight loss. A study says, scientists did their experiments on a number of rats, they had been fed dried aloe vera gel. Which shows a reduction in body fat.


  1. Works as a mouthwash

Aloe vera is also used as an effective mouthwash. According to recent research, aloe vera mouthwash reduces plaque formation on teeth for a short period. Reducing build up plaque or bacterial biofilms on teeth can reduce the chance of tooth decay. 


  1. Boost digestion 


Indigestion is a common ailment around the world. But aloe vera is here to help you to get rid of it. Aloe vera juice is mostly used in this case. Because it contains many natural enzymes which easily break down the sugar and fat we consume. And enhances our digestive system. 


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writer –

Rubaiya Begum


Intern, Content Writing Department