Staying fit is not a matter of doing high exercise or spending hour after hour in the gym, it is just about following some rules which can lead you to a healthy and fit life. Our busy schedules and unplanned lifestyles keep us away from maintaining a perfect life. “ He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything,” an Arabian proverb, says everything about the importance of health.

Therefore, the following content will obviously assist you to be active and healthy and to be your own idle.


 1. Exercise Regularly: 

Exercise is nothing but everything your body needs to stay healthy and there is no alternative to exercise. If you can spend only half an hour per day for exercise, you can easily shed the extra fat in your body. Exercise can help us to manage weight, strengthen bones and muscles, relieve stress, and many more.

  2. Drink plenty of water:

Drinking enough water can help you to be hydrated all day. It assists us to maintain a good digestive system and energy, protects our sensitive tissues and keeps the body temperature normal. Moreover, it carries oxygen to the cells which are immensely necessary for our body. It can also reduce the pressure on the kidneys and liver and get rid of wastes through urination.

 3. Avoid smoking:

Smoking regularly can cause many serious problems in your body. They are-

  • Lung cancer
  • Respiratory system
  • Wrinkles on skin
  • Effects digestive system
  • High BP

The effects of smoking are many but we all should be aware of it to maintain a good health

  4. Get good sleep:

If you want to maintain good health, getting enough sleep is mandatory. There are plenty of benefits to sleeping enough. It improves our brain performance, reduces the risk of many diseases and keeps our weight under control. Not getting enough sleep raises the risk of many diseases, for instance stroke. A sleep expert at NIH says “ There’s more to food sleep than just the hours spent in bed”.

  5. Do not take stress:

human beings, almost everyone experiences stress at least once in their life. Stress can cause many complications in our bodies. We should not take the stress which we can not handle otherwise it will make us less active. According to a new study people under pressure have twice the risk of a heart attack, compared with others.

  6. Choose a Balanced diet:

To maintain good health, eating a healthy and balanced diet is mandatory.   A balanced diet means eating the right proportion of all groups of food. You should eat the right amount of food but not overeat. Junk foods should be avoided such as burgers, pizzas that contain artificial sweeteners. 

Foods you can keep in your diet

  • Eat lean sources of protein such as fish, beans, poultry, eggs, tofu
  • Milk and dairy foods for instance soya drinks
  • Eat unsaturated oil
  • Fruits and vegetables 
  • Add high fiber starchy foods for instance potatoes, rice etc. 

Along with a balanced diet, you should also avoid foods with more salt, sugar and fat. 

  7. Take Multivitamin Supplements:

The importance of multivitamins is not a new concept to us. They contain fatty acids, amino acids, herbs etc. There are lots of benefits to taking multivitamin supplements such as it keeps our heart healthy, supporting our eyes, making muscles strong, reducing the risk of cancer, stress and many more


To sum up, there is nothing to keep you fit and active until you want it by yourself. So, try to follow your heart, read this writing attentively and maintain a perfect life by being active and strong. 

          A healthy outside starts from the inside

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Rubaiya Begum

Content Writing Department