Of all the dysfunctions that plague the world’s megacities, none may be more pernicious than bad (really, really bad) traffic. Sitting still in Dhaka, where the bad design takes on epic proportions.
Dhaka is a megacity & the capital of Bangladesh. People of all ages think Dhaka is the place of solving their problems. Everybody after a certain time, comes to Dhaka to seek a better opportunity in life, some may come to study, and some may come for better career planning. Sometimes it’s true, sometimes it’s not. In the life of struggle, people have to face different challenges, where Dhaka city plays a magnificent role. But in search of settling their career, they are making Dhaka more populated. As Dhaka is already a populated city & its population is increasing day by day, people coming to Dhaka to fulfill their dreams make Dhaka more populated. Therefore, people have to work for the government. Dhaka is the main point from where every job sector starts. So people have to live in this city, in spite of having so many difficulties, mostly like traffic.
There are different purposes for staying in Dhaka for different people. Some may work, some have to study, some come for seeking jobs, and some come for job preparations. Every day, people of all works go to their destination, for their work. There are more than thousands of students who go to school daily. Every morning people come out of their homes & they go to work. In this term, the roads are full of people & vehicles. So this is where the traffic starts. When the amount of people increases, the amount of vehicles also increases. Then all the vehicles have the tendency to move before one another. Then the traffic increases more.
Dhaka traffic mostly increases because different vehicles come from every root, making the roads more crowded. There are thousands of buses on Dhaka’s road. Dhaka is a magical city, where every type of people live. The number of rich people mostly live in Dhaka city. Also there are people who fight with their life, just to have a day meal in this cruel world. Some work from dawn to dusk. The rich people always carry their personal cars, which causes more traffic on the road.
Dhaka is a city of rickshaws. Then there are rickshaw pullers, who pull rickshaws all day long , just to feed their family. So on this basis, there are numerous rickshaws running on the road everyday. There are also motorbikes, cng’s and so many types of vehicles playing on the roads making the roads more crowded.
The traffic of Dhaka city runs from the morning to night . This hassle of traffic snatch people’s time, energy & mental peace as well. The government is working on solving the traffic jam in Dhaka city . Government making metrorail, reducing road blockage, constructing rough roads, encouraging people to take work from home. We wish this traffic would end soon and Dhaka become a city of joy .
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Writer –
Faria Benta Rahman.
Intern Batch- March 2023.
Content Writing Department of YSSE.